Hi, my name is Jas, and I'm a fully insured, degree-qualified dog trainer and behaviourist working with dog owners in Hull and the surrounding areas and their dogs who display nervousness, reactivity, over-excitement, frustration, and those who just struggle with obedience.

I have a BSc (Hons) in Applied Animal Behaviour and Training, I'm a Provisional Member of the APBC, a Proud Member of the Pet Professional Guild, and approved for listing with The Initiative for Force Free Dog Training. As a Provisional Member of the APBC, I have demonstrated that I have the appropriate level of Knowledge and Understanding for the professional role of Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB). I am now gaining the practical experience necessary to be assessed as a CAB and therefore become a Full Member of the APBC. The APBC supports its Provisional Members undertaking behaviour consultations. Each of these memberships not only show that I train to a high standard, but that I have been assessed on my knowledge and training methods, and am held to the code of ethics of each of these organisations (as well as my own).
I offer behaviour modification for reactive, overexcitable, and generally behaviourally-challenged dogs, as well obedience classes and workshops.
I use only aversive-free training methods, and continually keep my knowledge up to date and evolving through attending seminars, workshops and courses.​

I have a newfoundland called Freja, who I often use as a stooge for help with reactive dogs. She loves everyone she meets, so you have to watch out for the slobber! ​ My favourite part of my job is getting to see owners fall back in love with their dogs.